Hi there,
I had a thought yesterday, the blogs name is TheTinyBookworm and I have yet to mention a single book. Considering I have just finished the third book in the Song of Ice and Fire series (the Game of Thrones books) I thought it would make sense to do a little blog on the books and series.
I thought I'd begin with a rundown of my favourite characters, again in a numbered list.
Favourite characters:
- Sandor Glegane (The Hound) - Okay, I think I should admit straight off the bat that I have a weird love for the Hound, a sort of Beauty and the Beast thing going on. Not to say I'm Belle like, but there is something about dark,
ugly, scary, emotionally and/or physically scarred male characters that I have a huge soft spot for. (What I think I'm trying to get at is that I've always preferred the Phantom over Raoul and I'll always root for the haunted villain/anti-hero over the perfect hero every day of the week.) Sandor Clegane is a giant dick to just about every character in the series, but, there's something about the way he tries to teach Sansa to stop being so trusting and meek and fend for herself in the lion pen which is court which gives me the fuzzies. (I'm a psycho. There's just something in me that wants to fix a broken man. Stockholm Syndrome or something crazy.
Sandor Clegane |
- Tyrion Lannister - I think this one is obvious. Tyrion is hilarious and really well written in both the books and the TV series and Peter Dinklage is probably the best thing that could have happened to the series. One of the things I love most about Tyrion is watching his transition from hopeless drunk and wencher to one of the top playing in the 'game of thrones'. However, I feel sorry for him because he is genuinely good guy trying to do the right thing for the throne, Kingdom and his family so gets the short (
hehe) end of the stick and usually ends up to his neck in fecal matter when it hits the fan. Although one thing I wish they had done was to make his injury and scar as grotesque as it is described in the book and not tone it down so that it does offend the audience. (Or whatever ridiculous reason they decided not to stick to the books with this. He already has so much going against him. Might as well go the hog with it.)
Tyrion Lannister |
- Jaime Lannister - For those of you who have not read the books as far as I have or have not watch all three series, you may want to stop reading as SPOILERS ARE COMING! Jaime's transition from being the two dimensional twin fucking, pretty boy knight to the cynical, humbled, funny and even a little bit caring leader of the King's Guard was one of the most enjoyable things to read in book three, Storm of Swords. I know it shouldn't have taken losing his sword-hand to making him strive to become a good person, but its realistic. I like how extended exposure to Brienne brings him down to earth. But what I love most is that even with his new found self doubt he's still a arrogant dick sometimes. (
I hate perfect characters. And there's nothing more boring than a bad guy that becomes a perfect hero overnight. Jaime is a overconfident douche and I love that about him.)
Jaime Lannister |
What I really like about the Song of Ice and Fire series is that George RR Martin is writes characters I love to hate. These aren't your run of the mill fairy tale villains who are just evil without a cause but are fleshed out characters with back stories and motives. So without further ado...
- Cersie Lannister - Few characters in anything get me riled up enough to actually shout at my book or TV screen, but she does. As much as I hate her guts and want her to just die every episode/chapter I know that if/when she does Game of Thrones wont be the same again (and Im not sure in a good way). Cersie is the bitch-evil glue that sticks alot of the story together. I like watching the bitter relationship she has with Tyrion and waiting to see if and how he is going to out scheme her. I also find her dynamic with Joffrey (
why wont he just die) interesting as she fights to be a good mother (don't fuck your twin brother would be a good start) but coming to terms with the fact her son is a monster. Not to mention her daddy and brother issues and the fact she resents being born a woman. The woman has issues and I like that in my villains. I still want her to die a horrible, painful death, but maybe not till the final book/series. (I think the series will lose something special if they kill her off too early. Please don't hate me.)
- Tywin Lannister - Tywin is a difficult character for me because part of me really likes the man despite him being the crusher of souls as well as rebellions and a lot of the bad stuff in the series can be traced back to him. But a bit like a Godfather-esque Capo di tutti capi or don, he's cool and to the point and it can't be denied hes an excellent leader and even though hes a bad guy I still want to be part of the family and stay on his good side. Okay, hes a giant douche to Tyrion (but those were the prejudices of the time period this is set) but he does everything in protection and preservation of the family. (
As far as I'm concerned Tywin might as well be King because he seems to be the only one doing anything in the war.) But being serious the man is a giant dick but at least he doesn't hind it it. (I'd be a dick too if my son and daughter were in an twin-incestuous relationship, my grandson an evil moron and the only child I can be really proud of is the dwarf son I believe killed my loving Wife. Not to mention everyone makes jokes about me shitting gold. Although that would be useful.)
- Roose Bolton - SPOILERS ARE COMING! In the beginning Roose Bolton just seemed to me as a very creepy Northman who was the only one in Robb Stark campaign doing what he was told and doing it well. (
That should have been the telling sign. No minor character does anything useful and good in these books unless they're secretly plotting for their own gain.) Then he betrays the Stark's at the red wedding. In all honesty this didn't surprise me as much as it should. But what did surprise me was in the TV series.
I've fucked you over so hard. |
That face says it all really. 'I've screwed you over so bad and I don't even care.' Theon was right "This is no man to jape with. You had only to look at Bolton to know that he had more cruelty in his pinky toe than all the Freys combined." Bolton is a good bad guy because he does the one thing the fans never expected him to do, kill the young wolf.
You may be wondering why Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen or even Jon Snow are not in my top character list as they are in most. The reason is, at least at the moment, the two girls get on my nerves as much as I think they're cool. I'm all for strong, independant female characters but Dany often acts a stuck up bitch who should have Westoros handed to her because she is Mother of Dragons. (Maybe you would have the throne is you didn't feed your self-righteous need to free and be loved by all. Sort your shit out and go get the throne if you truly believe its yours. Stop whining about it.) Granted she is often awesome and I like how she puts people in their place, but sometimes she needs to take advice.
Now Arya. I know she has more reason than pretty much any other characters to hate cause most her family is dead but sometimes I wish she would just chill out and think about something other than killing all those who wronged her. (You're only ten, shouldn't you be colouring or playing with dolls.) Maybe I'll like her more when she matures so shes a little less screechy and a little more calm and collected about taking revenge and actually be able to do it instead of killing kids.
Its a similar thing with Bran, while having one of the least interesting stories, in my opinion, he also has a very childish view of things which just grates after reading so many chapters in him POV. (Sometimes I wonder if Hodor is actually intelligent, but cant express himself and that's why he has anxiety issues. I think he's telling Bran and Jojen to stop being little bitches and stop gallivanting into others heads. Its not nice.) I like Hodor. Oh and Jon, stop going on about be a bastard (you say it so much it actually makes me wonder if you are) and have fun because you have the potential to be the best character as you're pretty kick-ass.
Urmm I'm sure sure there's much else to say other than Catelyn needs to shut up and do something useful or can we have someone else's point of view who is interesting and actually sees the action. I don't hate Melisandre as much as I did because she seems to be the only person south of the wall who sees the bigger picture. "The night is dark and full of terrors" so stop worrying about the iron throne and start worrying about white walkers or there wont be a throne to fight over. Idiots.
I'm sure I'll have more rants about the Song of Ice and Fire Series/Game of Thrones as there is so much to talk about.
Hodor, hodor, hodor. (I'm sorry, couldn't help myself.)